0300 330 5463

Call us 24/7,Whatever you’re facing, we’ll face it with you

Bereavement by suicide is usually shocking and unexpected.

This can increase the level of distress and trauma experienced by the bereaved.

The grieving process is often more challenging to navigate than other types of bereavement.

We are a specialised project to help you and your loved ones through this difficult time.

Somerset Suicide Bereavement Support Service Offers:

All our services are free, and some are non-time limited- you can come back to some area of the service whenever needed. We support anyone that is bereaved by suicide, at any time during the bereavement. We support anyone aged 14+ in Somerset who has been affected by the death of someone through suicide, be that personally or professionally. 


24/7 Helpline 

Specialist support worker sessions – For up to 3 months 

Specialist counselling provision sessions – Up to 12 sessions 

Practical information and support around issues such as the Inquest and funeral.

Professionals – confidential guidance and support following the suicide of a client.

Training in suicide prevention and postvention for organisations & businesses

Specialist organisational and leadership/management guidance about how to navigate suicide in the workplace

Monthly newsletter 

Opportunities for people with lived experience of suicide bereavement  

We accept referrals from those seeking support or from third party professionals

Contact us at:

[email protected]

We are grateful for support from: