Somerset & Wessex Eating Disorders in partnership with Mind in Somerset have joined together to launch a dedicated eating disorders helpline for the people of Somerset.

Are you, or is someone you know, experiencing difficulties with eating, weight or body image? Then this helpline dedicated to eating disorders could be for you!

The SWEDA MINDLINE service is a place to talk about any of these things and more.

You can expect that the person you speak to will:

  • Use active listening skills to hold a space for you to talk about what you are experiencing
  • Answer basic questions and give out basic information on eating disorders
  • Explain what help might be available, and signpost people to SWEDA services or help you look at other options if necessary

The helpline would be a service open to anyone; sufferers, carers or anyone affected by an eating disorder.

Service users could call 0300 330 5464 and expect to speak to a trained volunteer for up to half an hour on each call. 

Opens on 13th December 2020 and is open every Tuesday evening 8pm-11pm and every Sunday from 11am-2pm even open throughout the Christmas Period.

We are delighted to offer this service to people across Somerset and beyond and pleased to be able to work in partnership in this way with MIND as part of the Open Mental Health Project.

explains Paula Blight CEO SWEDA.

We are grateful for support from: