You are amazing THANK YOU!

First of all, THANK YOU for choosing to support Mind in Somerset. Nobody should face a mental health problem alone, and it’s because of your kind donations and amazing fundraising efforts that Mind in Somerset can support those who need us.

Whilst fundraising you might receive a variety of donations via cash, cheques and online. We’ve made it as easy as possible for you get your donations to us so we can put them straight to good use.

Online fundraising

If you have set up an online fundraising page like a Just Giving, Virgin Money Giving or Facebook Fundraiser page you don’t need to do a thing! Your donations are set straight to us, including all Gift Aid.

If you have raised money offline:

Donate Online

Visit our online donation tool here to pay in your fundraising. Don’t forget to tell us what your donation is for and how it was raised!

By post

We are very happy to accept cheques in the post to the addresses below. Cheques should be made out to MIND IN SOMERSET.  Please include a note about your fundraising including your name, address and how the money was raised so we can acknowledge your generous gift.

Do not post cash! You can bank it yourself and donate it online or post us a cheque.

Mind in Somerset Yeovil Foyer, Peter St, Yeovil BA20 1PN

Bank Transfer

You can send donations directly to us by bank transfer. Please email 
[email protected]

for the details.

Please don’t forget to include a completed Gift Aid Declaration form with your donation.

We are grateful for support from: