What is a legacy?

A legacy is a donation left to a charity in your Will. It is a lasting gift, so the work that the charity does can continue. At Mind in Somerset we care for and support children from the age of 8 to adults of any age. Your legacy can be large or small and we assure you that your gift will be used wisely.

While we are proud to be affiliated with national Mind we are a charity in our own right. We do not receive funding from our national body and therefore please note that should you wish to ensure that your legacy is used within your community it is essential that our name and charity number is detailed in your Will

How do I leave a legacy?

It’s easy to include a gift to Mind in Somerset in your Will, but you should always consult a professional, such as a solicitor or financial adviser, to be sure your Will reflects your exact intentions and you understand tax implications.

Charitable gifts are exempt from inheritance tax and could help reduce the total amount of tax paid on your estate. Anyone leaving at least 10% of their estate in their will to a charity benefits from an effective reduction in inheritance tax from 40% to 36%.

Update your Will

A legacy of any size really makes a difference in our ability to help individuals suffering from poor mental health in Somerset. When you are next considering writing or updating your Will, all you would have to do is contact your professional advisers and tell them the sum (or percentage of your estate) that you would like to leave us.  We would always advise that you seek professional advice from a solicitor before writing or amending your will.  Your adviser will need only our charity name, address and registered charity number. 

Your adviser may suggest the wording is: “I give (£X / X% of my estate) to Mind in Somerset, registered charity number 1109626, for its general charitable purposes.”

While we are proud to be affiliated with national Mind we are a charity in our own right. We do not receive funding from our national Body and therefore please note that should you wish to ensure that your legacy is used within your community it is essential that our name and charity number is detailed in your Will

Further information

If you would like to discuss your ideas, in confidence, please contact [email protected]. You are also very welcome to telephone us for a friendly chat on 01935 474875.

We would be delighted to hear from you.

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