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Mind in Somerset provides vital mental health services to people across the county.  We work with companies across Somerset in many different ways including providing lunch and learn sessions, mental health workshops and offering fundraising opportunities.

Corporate Partnerships

Every year Mind in Somerset relies on the generosity and support from partners who contribute in many ways and we would welcome your support too. We appreciate and understand that each organisation or business is different but all types of contributions are valuable to us. So why should you choose to support us?

  • Staff health and well-being – In 2016/2017 stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 40% of all work related health. Not only is this having a damaging effect on the individuals concerned and their families but it is also impacting businesses.  It was estimated by Mental Health First Aid England in figures published in Apr 18, that the cost to UK businesses from poor mental health in the work place amounted to about £1,300 for every employee in the UK work force – annually.  We can provide a variety of training to senior managers and team leaders on how to spot and support someone with poor mental health. A healthy and happy workforce is a strong one. We can help you achieve this. See more on our training page.
  • Staff Engagement – Together we can support your corporate social responsibility intentions to make a strong contribution to your community and by engaging staff in a number of exciting ways.
  • Raise your company profile – We have a strong and developing public relations presence attracting media cover and interest as well as a growing social media network. These provide opportunities to generate strong media coverage and the chance to engage with potential customers enabling you to enhance your reputation and obtain positive publicity.

What difference can you make?

A huge amount. At least 1 in 4 of us will experience poor mental health in our  lifetime.  Poor mental health is a growing problem and our research indicates that more people will need our support over the next five years. We have new and emerging groups that need help such as peer support groups for children and young people affected by mental illness. By supporting Mind in Somerset you can help us to provide current and new services.

How can we work together?

Charity of the Year – we would welcome your support to help us to raise awareness of mental health distress, reduce the associated stigma that still exists and promote ways of how to keep mentally fit and well.  By choosing us to be your charity of the year, you can help us to do this and raise money to support our much needed services.

Sponsorship Opportunities – support a particular part of our service which may fit well with your strategic objectives or corporate social responsibility policy. You may wish to sponsor an event, activity, research or equipment and resources.

Corporate Volunteering – we have a number of projects and initiatives that your employees can be directly involved with. This can range from participating in one of our drop in days that support our local service beneficiaries to offering us a specific skill. By being involved your staff can have fun and develop new skills while making a valuable contribution to the communities we support.

Corporate Fundraising –  from exciting challenge events to internal fundraising initiatives we have a fundraising pack full of ideas on how you can fundraise for us. 

Payroll Giving –  Employees choose how much they want to donate. Their donation is deducted from their salary and we receive the tax on their gift at no extra cost.  Staff can also choose to donate the pennies from their payslip to us e.g. earn £940.52 and automatically donate 52p to us. 

Donations in-kind – we understand that not all corporate partners are in a position to donate funds. As a small charity with little resources we would value any support that you could offer. This could be providing guidance on business development to offering to design leaflets and documents or simply by encouraging other potential corporate partners to get in touch.

We are confident that together we can develop a meaningful and mutual partnership, a partnership that will be of value and benefit both to our charity and your company.

Please contact our fundraising team via [email protected] to discuss how we can work together.

We are grateful for support from: