Vanessa Gardening Project

Come along to our Vanessa Gardening Project, get out and about and see how much that can help you clear your mind.
This project allows members to:
Discuss what you would like to achieve
Set some individual goals to work towards
Learn new skills
Meet new people & perhaps form new friendships
Build their confidence
Get out in the fresh air!
The group garden in all weathers – if it is raining they like to enjoy a cup of tea whilst taking shelter. On sunnier days, they potter about the garden weeding the beds & growing their own vegetables to take home or share with other members of the group.
The Vanessa Gardening Project meet every Tuesday 11am – 1pm at Yeovil Foyer Peters Street Yeovil. The sessions are free but please bring a packed lunch and suitable clothing. All abilities are welcome to join.
For more information please contact Faye (Gardening Project Coordinator) on 01935 474875 or email [email protected]

Posted on: 16th January 2023

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